Pipe Investigation and MIC Testing Corrosion

Viking Automatic Sprinkler Co. has extensive knowledge and experience in managing all types of corrosion in various sprinkler systems, as Viking specializes in the testing, inspection, and repair of these fire systems. Our comprehensive corrosion management program provides for the maintenance of safe and reliable systems through inspection, assessment, mitigation, and communication. It places a special emphasis on external and internal corrosion damage, which experts say are the most prevalent threats to the fire system.
Corrosion is dangerous and costly.

Corrosion in a sprinkler system is a safety hazard. Furthermore, the negative effects of corrosion can cost you extensively in unscheduled fire system shutdowns, lost production, high repair and replacement costs, imposed fines, or loss of life. The massive costs of corrosion may vary, but substantial savings are attainable through the application of Viking's procedural corrosion, inspection, testing, and maintenance program.
What is corrosion?

Corrosion involves an electro-chemical reaction between metal parts such as steel piping used in sprinkler system and their environment. Corrosion can be classified as "wet" or "dry". During corrosion pure metal is dissolved, or lost, from the part and converted to oxide, or rust. Overtime, this process can lead to deterioration of your fire sprinkler system, resulting in a disaster.
Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC) is only one of several types of corrosion found in wet and dry sprinkler systems. MIC can involve different types of bacteria that colonize the internal surfaces of sprinkler systems and cause highly localized corrosion, resulting in the common "pinhole" leak.
Conventional (non-biological) types of corrosion are also common in sprinkler systems. The supplied water and local environment are the key driving forces in this type of corrosion.
Chemical features of the water such as dissolved oxygen, mineral content, salts and pH can, depending on their concentration, act to either speed corrosion, or slow the corrosion reaction. Unfortunately, some water supplies that are fit for human consumption can be dangerous to sprinkler systems.
Don't get your hands dirty - let Viking manage your corrosion.

In compliance with NFPA-25, an obstruction investigation and an internal pipe inspection must be performed on existing sprinkler systems every five years. Viking's corrosion management approach addresses this requirement. Our step-by-step process uses inspection and assessment techniques, testing and advanced technologies to identify corrosion and other abnormalities of systems in a variety of field conditions, and provide preventative maintenance.
A Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC) test includes evaluating for: bacteria, acid producing bacteria, sulfate reducing bacteria, low nutrient bacteria, iron related bacteria & slime forming bacteria.
A comprehensive water test includes evaluating for: pH, dissolved oxygen, residual chlorine, specific conductance, total hardness, carbon dioxide, chloride, nitrate, nitrite, alkalinity, bicarbonate, sulfate, total organic carbon & total dissolved solids. Both tests require the collection of water samples from the fire sprinkler system and the fresh water supply.
Destructive Metallurgical Evaluation consists of removing sections of branch line piping for sectioning, metallurgical testing and documentation of the interior and exterior pipe condition. This includes an evaluation of any corrosion products found, an inspection for pitting corrosion, and measurements of remaining pipe wall thickness.
Enhancing our capabilities to keep you safe.

Viking Automatic Sprinkler Co. has partnered with Crane Engineering in an effort to understand the causes and develop practical methods for the prevention and mitigation of sprinkler system corrosion. Crane Engineering has state-of-the-art materials, chemistry, and microscopy laboratories for the characterization and analysis of solid materials, such as metals and plastics. Crane also has the capability to analyze fluids such as water, glycol or glycerin. They have specific expertise in the area of materials, chemical characterization and method development.
Viking's proven leadership in the fire protection industry and Crane's 30-years of proven leadership in forensic engineering, product testing and materials consulting will provide corrosion awareness, education, preventative care, and live extensions services. Together we have the expertise and experience to assess your fire sprinkler system before corrosion damages your building and valuable assets.
Regularly scheduled inspections, testing, and repair will help insure continued regulatory compliance, maximum insurance savings, and optimal system performance. Reduce the risk of corrosion with an industry leader. Protect your property, people, and assets with Viking Automatic Sprinkler Co.'s corrosion management program before a catastrophic system failure occurs.
Contact us for more information about our comprehensive corrosion management program.